感谢您选择参加W&今年秋天在J学院! We are incredibly excited that you are now a part of our campus community. 既然你已经做了决定, you will begin the process of getting ready to come to campus for your first semester. The first step in this process is completing your 数学和语言实习. These are both essential for us to pair you with courses that best fit your academic needs and experiences. Please note that the placements are not supported on smartphones. If you have any questions about this process, please contact W&J网关724-503-1001分机. 3069或电邮 gateway@1222134.com.



The 语言的位置 is available on your W&J领导力申请和状态页面. Please use your regular log-in (as this page does not use W&J账户(用户名和密码).


The language placement developed by the Language Department, consists of questions regarding your study of foreign languages.  The Language Department reviews each response.

Click the button below to take the placement:




你需要你的正式的W&J student username and password to login to the 数学的位置s.  没有你的用户名和密码?  Please check your personal email address for a message from your admission counselor with instructions on how to set up your account, or contact the Office of Admission at 724-223-6025.


det365app的数学分班评估, 由数学系开发, consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. The Mathematics Department has correlated the scores on this assessment with student success in our various introductory courses. Topics covered include simplifying algebraic expressions, 求解方程, 和不平等, and working with functions including trigonometric and exponential functions.

You cannot “flunk” the 数学ematics placement assessment. The Department uses your score to assess how your high school background has prepared you for success in classes many incoming students take early in their college careers, based on your own command of certain 数学ematical skills and our expectations of our students in those classes.

We use this placement tool to assess your preparation for a number of our introductory courses, 所以这次考试不涉及微积分. PLEASE NOTE: You will have one hour to complete the test; the time will be kept by the online system used to administer it.  不允许使用计算器.  If you use a calculator or other resource to assist you on the test, you risk inflating your true score and thereby may place yourself into a course for which you are unprepared.


A frequent comment from students when they take our 数学ematics placement assessment is that they don’t do as well as they’d like because they spent their senior years taking calculus, and there seems to be no calculus questions on the test.  There is no calculus on the test because we are assessing essential skills for success in calculus as well as in our other courses.  If you have done well in calculus in high school, then you should know how to solve equations, 使用三角函数, 简化激进分子, 等.

更频繁地, students don’t do as well as they’d like on our 数学ematics placement assessment because they may be a little rusty.  It is in your best interest to review before you take the test.  这里有一些资源:

  • 你高中的课堂笔记和考试
  • 保罗在线数学笔记(http://tutorial.数学.拉马尔.edu), particularly the “Extras/Reviews” section on Algebra and Trigonometry
  • Tutorials available through the Khan Academy website (可汗学院.org)
  • Schaum’s Outline of Precalculus, 3rd edition, by Fred Safier.  Available through various merchants for about $20 (new)

There is a short sample exam available to help you get used to the computer system you’ll take the test in.



  1. 教学视频 以上.
  2. 点击“测试” & Quizzes" tab on the left side of the screen.  You’ll see both the sample exam and the actual exam there.
  3. After you have worked through the sample problems (highly recommended) and you are ready to take the actual 数学ematics placement assessment, click the link for "数学的位置 Exam" under the title "Take an Assessment"
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to take and submit the 数学 placement

评估完成后, a score will be generated that will determine your 数学 placement.  It will be verified by the Mathematics Department prior to when your course schedule is generated.  注意你的W&J email in the coming weeks for more information regarding your course selection process.

Click on "数学的位置" below to access the placement. 您需要登录到W&J Sakai to access the 数学ematics placement assessment (you will enter your username and password at the top of the page).
